
Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Holy month of Ramadan

                        In the name of Allah The most Beneficent and the most Merciful ........

     Today we will be looking at the significance of the holy month Ramzan , How important Ramzan is and how lucky we are to Attain this month of Ramzan . Thanks to the Almighty Allah for giving us the the opportunity of Attaining this month of Ramzan . So first I will tell u a short Hadith which took place during our beloved prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

    There were two sahabas which recently got reverted to Islam , One of the sahabi used to work harder than the other like dawah , jihad etc and died as a martyr (subhanallah) , The other sahabi died one year later a regular death . one of the companions of Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) Talha bin ubaidillah saw one dream while sleeping . He saw One Angel coming out from Jannah and admitting the sahabi who died a regular death first into jannah and the Angel came again and admitted the sahabi who was a martyr second and the Angel came out for the third time and said to Talha bin ubaidillah "O Talha your time has not come yet " .

     Talha bin Ubaidillah Woke up from the dream and went to Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) He asked " O rasoolullah i saw a dream where the martyr entered the jannah second but the one who died a regular death entered first " Talha bin ubaidillah  was just wondering not complaining , that how can someone beat a martyr to paradise . As In Another hadith rasoolullah said the martyr will have a Six traits

  • A Single drop of blood shed from the martyr will wash away all his sins
  • There wont be any punishment or discomfort in the grave 
  • They will be calm and under the shadow of Allah while people run out of fear during judgement day 
  • They will get the most beautiful spouse in jannah 
  • They will be wearing a crown of dignity and honor  with ornaments in it , a small piece of the ornament in it will be more expensive than the whole whole combined
  • They will be able to intercede seventy of their  family members

     Subhanallah . Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) looked at Talha bin ubaidillah and asked didnt he died one year later than the martyr ? , Talha said "Yes o Rasoolullah" and again Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) asked didnt he had the opportunity to witness RAMZAN ? Talha said " Yes O Rasoolullah " and  Rasoolullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said " Due to Witnessing the whole holy month of Ramadan and praying more he was admitted first into Jannah , And the difference between him and the martyr is like the difference between the Heavens and the earth " .....
Subhanallah !!!

So One Ramadan can take you Beyond a Shaheed But you have to be dedicated in your Fasting , Praying etc 

     One more question arises that does it matter Entering into Jannah First or second ? Yes surely it does Matters .. Like in Dunya when a New Apple product launches some people want to get it first take pictures and post it online , These are the duniya stuffs . And in the hereafter life dont we want to enter into jannah  first so that we can watch Allah and our prophet Rasoolullahi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) First .. Rasoolullahi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said in another hadith that the Those who Enter jannah second are not as beautiful as those who enter first , The people who enter the jannah first will have the beauty of the Moon and the second batch of people will also have beautiful faces and bodies , their beauty will be compared to that of the brightest Stars .
So Entering jannah First matters !!!

     So May Allah give us the taufique of witnessing the Ramzan with all sincerity and dedication  and make us among the people who Enter the Jannah First ... Aameen.....