
Sunday 15 June 2014

prophet Musa(PBUH)

                                   In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful 

          Today we will be looking at the Life of Prophet Musa(pbuh) who is also called as Kalimullah ..The one who speaks directly with Allah , So without any further ado now lets get into the Life of Prophet as how it started and what were the trials and tribulations faced by Prophet Musa(pbuh)

          Prophet musa was born in the land of Egypt and came from the people known as the israelites,The ruler of the Egypt was the  pharoah called as firaun in arabic ,He used to call himself as God. He hated the israelites in his land and used to maltreat them .One day the situation got worse when his Astrologers and soothsayers interpreted the dream which pharoah saw the night before. They told him that a male child will be born from israelites who would cause the end of pharaoh's kingdom. The Pharoah was so afraid that he commanded the soldiers to kill the every male child born to israelites .

           when prophet musa(pbuh) was born , he was supposed to be killed along with the others but Almighty Allah had a plan for his Prophet musa(pbuh).He ordered Musa's mother to place Musa in a wooden chest in the great nile river and allow it to flow downstream.The mother did what Allah said and at the same time she was worried that she would never able to see his son again.

          Allah guided the chest down the Nile river and, eventually it floated into a small stream .The pharoah's wife spotted the chest and ordered her servants to bring it ashore. When the pharaoh's wife saw the baby she fell in love with him . She picked up the baby and showed it to the pharaoh. "Look," she said, "Here is a joy for the eye to behold. Please don't kill him.Instead ,we could adopt him as a son for ourselves." The pharoah agreed with her and they decided to keep the baby . So Allah spared Musa the death that was supposed to await him and he was raised in the royal court of the pharoah of Egypt.

          In the meantime , Musa's mother became very sad and wept bitterly at the thought of her son Musa.
Allah knows how much a mother loves her child so he made a plan for them to unite. The mother sent her daughter to the pharoah's court in order to check on baby Musa.When the daughter came to the royal palace, she found the pharoah's wife very upset ."Why wont this baby eat ?" she exclaimed to the servants."He will surely die unless someone can nurse him." Then prophet Musa(pbuh) sister spoke up.
She said "I know of a people that will nourish the baby and make him stong," .The pharoah's wife was very surprised but was desperate ,so she agreed  to let the baby go to be fed. Thr pharoah's wife never knew that it was Prophet Musa's mother who nursed baby Musa . Thus Allah made the mother happy again because she could see her son everyday .

          Prophet Musa(pbuh) grew to become big and strong . one day he saw an egyptian beating an Israelite. The poor Israelite asked Prophet Musa(pbuh) to help him. Prophet Musa(pbuh) stepped forward and hit the Egyptian with such a powerful blow that the Egyptian collapsed and died . After seeing what he had done , a cold sweat broke out on prophet Musa(pbuh) forehead . He said to himself , "This is the evil work of satan. He is an enemy who clearly misleads!" Prophet Musa (pbuh) knew it was a sin to kill anyone until he is brought to trial and found guilty . He knelt on the ground and prayed to Allah. "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul. Do you forgive me ?" Allah is the most Merciful, and out of his Mercy Allah forgave prophet Musa(pbuh).Prophet Musa(pbuh) then vowed never to help those that sin and to be in Allah's service for the rest of his life .

      Prophet Musa(pbuh) receives message from Allah

          Prophet Musa(pbuh) left the land of egypt to go to the land of maydan.he had been travelling for several days when he stumbled upon a small oasis which had several trees and a water hole . The sun was blazing hot, so Prophet Musa(pbuh) decided to rest a while . At hte water hole he saw some men who were letting their animals have some water. Waiting behind them were two young women with a tiny flock of sheep. After a long time he called out to the women, "what's wrong ? why don't you water your sheep?" The women told Prophet Musa(pbuh) that they couldn't because the water hole was too crowded with the men's flock . The men grumbled a little at first, but upon seeing how big and strong Musa was , they stopped grumbling and looked down .

          The two young women smiled and ere very grateful for Prophet Musa(pbuh) 's kind help. Musa at back down under the cool shade of a tree and the women took their flock of sheep back home. A little later one of them came back and asked him to come meet her father . Prophet Musa(pbuh) agreed and went with her. The father was old and needed a young man to help with the care of the animals.After talking to Prophet Musa(pbuh) , the father found him to be a good man, so he offered one of his daughters to him in marriage . Prophet Musa(pbuh) agreed and helped the old man for several years .the marriage was a happy one, and they all prospered due to Prophet Musa(pbuh)'s hard work and good judgement

          Many years later, Prophet Musa(pbuh) decided to travel with his family . He was content with his life and had completely forgetten his troubles in Egypt. one day he saw a small fire far off in the distance. since it was very cold, he went to go fetch a burning log to warm his family . As he approached thr fire, he noticed something strange. The fire was only in one bush and did not spread to other bushes or trees. At the same time the bush didn't burn up and become ashes; it just stayed there burning. Then Prophet Musa(pbuh) heard a voice say, "O Musa , I am your lord. Therefore in my prescence take of your shoes." Prophet Musa(pbuh) did what he was ordered.Then Allah said ,"what is that in your right hand, O Musa?" He answered "it is my rod'" Allah said '"throw it, o musa!" When he throw the rod, it hit the ground and started to move by itself.At first Prophet Musa(pbuh) started gazing at it .Then he turned and started to run. Allah told Prophet Musa(pbuh) not to run because , as long as Allah is with him , there was nothing to be afraid of . Musa came back and looked at the rod again .It had turned into brown snake . As soon as he grabbed it , the snake turned into Rod again.

          Then Allah ordered Musa to place his hand on his chest , When Prophet Musa(pbuh) did it his hand radiated with light . to make his hand normal again, he simply put his hand back on his chest , Allah ordered Prophet Musa(pbuh) to go to pharoah with these two miracles and to warn him of Allah's command .Allah assured him that he and his followers would win over pharoah Pr .

Prophet Musa(pbuh) shows pharaoh signs from Allah 

          Prophet Musa (pbuh) now stood at the royal palace with his brother Harun(pbuh) alongside him . He had not seen Egypt for many years and he knew that his life was in danger . Nothing could have brought him back except the command of Allah . Prophet Musa (pbuh) climbed the golden steps that led to pharaoh's throne. When he reached the top he said ,"O Pharaoh I am the Apostle of the lord of the words. Let the Israelites go with me and do not harm them . There will be peace to all those who follow the guidance of Allah." 

          The Pharaoh asked Prophet Musa (pbuh) to show a sign from Allah , prophet threw down his rod and it began to move and slither . At first the pharaoh was scared but tried hard not to show it. "Ha!" said the pharaoh in a prideful way, "I have sorcerers that can match your magic."Then Prophet Musa (pbuh) showed his radiant hand It glowed with a shining white light. Still , the pharaoh did not believe that Prophet Musa (pbuh) was he apostle of Allah. Pharaoh searched the land of egypt for the best sorcerers available . When he found them , he told them if their magic was better than Prophet Musa (pbuh)'s magic they would be rewarded handsomely. The sorcerers readily agreed to the plan because they did not know who Prophet Musa (pbuh) was . Prophet Musa (pbuh) did not have any magic but he had something that was much more powerful; he had true signs from Allah .

          On the day of the contest the pharaoh's court was filled with many people . Everyone in the room sided with pharaoh and left Prophet Musa (pbuh) all alone . But Prophet Musa (pbuh) remembered that Allah is with him . The sorceres assembled their ropes and rods and asked Prophet Musa (pbuh) if he wished to have the first throw . Musa said ,"No , you have the first throw." and they did . All of a sudden Prophet Musa (pbuh) saw snakes and wiggly things abd their magic appeared to be powerful . Allah said to prophet "now throw your rod". The Rod changed into a very big snake and it swallowed all the other snakes , Musa grabbed the snake and it changed into rod again .The sorcerers looked at each other in perplexed fashion. They realized that Prophet Musa (pbuh) was not a magician or sorcerer .They knew that Prophet Musa (pbuh)'s power came from something greater than anything human.

          The sorcerers asked forgiveness from Allah for their evil ways by felling on their knees . Allah forgave them but Pharaoh grew furious. "How can you believe in Allah before I give you permission?" he said angrily. " If you don't get up I'll have your arms and legs cut off and you will be crucified ." The sorcerers said , " Do what you will , but we fear the punishment of Allah more than any torture you could do to us."
The pharaoh now realized he had a problem .Prophet Musa (pbuh) once again demanded Israelite to go with him out of Egypt but pharaoh did not allowed it . The pharaoh promised to let them go if the drought stops, Allah stopped the drought but he broke his promise , Many calamities came to egypt  and during each calamity the pharaoh would make a promise to Prophet Musa (pbuh) and when the calamity passe he will break his promise . plague , lice , locusts , frogs came more horrible than last . Even the water in Egypt turned to blood , but still pharaoh refused them to go .

          Finally Allah told Prophet Musa (pbuh) to take the people out of Egypt during night. Prophet Musa (pbuh) and the Israelites were out of Egypt before the Egyptian knew what had happened . When the pharaoh found out the Israelites had escaped he ordered all his forces to go and catch them and bring them back. He himself  into a Golden chariot drawn by four white horses . He whipped them as hard as he could in order to catch Prophet Musa (pbuh) .When Prophet Musa (pbuh) reached the red sea, Allah commanded him to strike the water with his rod . When he did the red sea miraculously parted and left a straight and narrow path down which Prophet Musa (pbuh) guided his people . The Israelites run as fast as they could because they heard the hoofs beats of the pharaoh and the Egyptians.

  When Pharaoh reached the red sea , he paused for a moment . The path was still open and he could see the Israelites just starting to scramble up to the other side of the water. ""Now we got them " thought the pharaoh . He whipped his horses once again and yelled out a savage battle cry which was heard by Prophet Musa (pbuh) and the israelites on the other side .When the last old lady climbed up out of the parted red sea, Prophet Musa (pbuh) could see the pharaoh not more than a hundred feet away . It looked as if he would surely get his revenge 

          All of a sudden the mountins of water on each side of the narrow path came crashing down. The Egyptians cried out but their voices were cut off by the splash of water on their helpless bodies . Pharaoh asked Allah to save him , Allah refused to save him but he promised that his body will be preserved till jugdgement day so that his condition may be a portent for the people coming after him  A few seconds later , the only sound that could be heard was the calm water lapping lazily upon the shore .  Prophet Musa (pbuh) and the Israelites had escaped from Egypt with the help of Allah and were now headed for the promised land.

                     A Graphical picture depicting the sea split 

Allah tests the Israelites

           Prophet Musa (pbuh) and the Israelites had just crossed the Red sea and were now begining their journey to the promised land of canaan . Allah told them that this was the land of abundance and that the Israelites were to be an example for all mankinds to follow . but canaan was still far away and the sun grew fierce and hot. Allah , in his mercy , shielded the people from the sun by making clouds follow them wherever they went. As they crossed the desert it was impossible to find enough food to feed the people. Allah knew this so he created a food called manna and made it fall from the sky as if it was rain .For meat Allah made quails to fly them which they could easily catch . Surely these people are blessed to have Allah as their protector .

          For many days they went without water and they became thirsty . Allah told  Prophet Musa (pbuh) to strike a large rock with his rod . when he did water gushed out of it fro twelve different places . there were twelve tribes in the nation of Israel and each one had their own fountain of cool clean water . With all of these blessings it is hard to imagine Israelites disobeying Allah . Yet they started to complain to  Prophet Musa (pbuh) that they wanted to go back to Egypt.They were tired of manna and tired of travelling .They wondered if there was really a land called canaan after all. They had forgetten that not too long ago they were mere slaves to the pharaoh and the Egyptians . 

          Then the Israelites passed through a town . The people of this town worshipped idols like the Egyptians did . The Israelites said to  Prophet Musa (pbuh) , " O musa make us a god like the gods these people have."  Prophet Musa (pbuh) warned them that Allah is the only true god .

          Allah commanded Prophet  Musa (pbuh) to go to the top of Mt.Sinai so that he could give  Prophet Musa (pbuh) tablets . the tablets were stone slabs that had special laws to govern the israelites.  Prophet Musa (pbuh) we he went up to the top of the mountain .  Prophet Musa (pbuh) said " O my lord show thyself that i may look upon thee." He wanted to see Allah . Allah said if the nearby mountain can withstand a part of my noor (light) then  Prophet Musa (pbuh) can look to him .When Allah showed a part of his noor, the Earth began shaking and there were shining noor . The mountain crumbled to dust and  Prophet Musa (pbuh) fell down in an unconcious state .when he regained conciousness he prayed to Allah . Allah gave him the tablets to take back to Israelites.

          After forty days  Prophet Musa (pbuh) came back from mt sinai and saw Israelites melted down their jewellery to make a golden calf . They molded the calf so that it was hollow inside. When the Wind blew through the hollow calf it made strange noises .The israelites worshipped the golden calf.

           Prophet Musa (pbuh) became angry . He grabbed his brother by his hair and said , " did i not tell you to watch the people in my abscence?" Harun (pbuh) said he tried to stop the people from worshipping but they dint listen and also they threatened to kill him . Prophet Musa (pbuh) let go of his brother and asked Allah for forgiveness for himself and harun(pbuh).The one who actually led the people to make the false god was the samari. When  Prophet Musa (pbuh) questioned samari he said in reply , "i took a pinch of sand from your footstep and tossed it into the molten god as it was being shaped." Samari thought that this would flatter himbut instead  Prophet Musa (pbuh) became very angry and said " Get out of my sight and from now on whenever someone come to you you must say , " touch me not." that was his punishment  in this life but Allah has a greater punishment waiting for the samari and his followers in the next life . Prophet Musa (pbuh)then seized the golden calf , melted it down and scattered its gold across the sea .

          Still many of the people did not believe in Allah .  Prophet Musa (pbuh) took seventy men with him to the mountain to prove that Allah did exist . When they approached the holy place the ground began to shake and they started to fall . They cried to  Prophet Musa (pbuh) to ask Allah for Forgiveness for them . But each time Allah forgave the people they went against Allah and  Prophet Musa (pbuh) again and again .

          Then Allah commanded that the israelites  to sacrifice a cow . Instead of doing they laughed and told  Prophet Musa (pbuh) to ask Allah what kind of cow . Then they wanted to know what colour it has to be . They ketpt on asking  Prophet Musa (pbuh) more and more details about the cow unti they forgot that the reason they were sacrificing the cow was for Allah .

          In the end many of the Israelites disobeyed all of the Allah's commandments . Alllah said to them , " you are apes , despised and rejected ." Allah broke up the Israelites into many different tiny groups . They never reached cannan. After the generation of   Prophet Musa (pbuh) came another generation . These people thought only of this world and nothing else . They felt that they were the chosen people and if they would do anything wrong they would be forgiven .

          Allah tested the Israelites in times of bad while they lived in Egypt .Allah also tested them in times of prosperity after they crossed the red sea . Allah Wanted the Israelites to strive for the straight path . Some listened but many did not .

This was the brief  History of Prophet Musa (PBUH)

Thursday 12 June 2014

History of the prophet Adam(PBUH)

In the name of Allah , The most beneficent and the most merciful .
There are Actually 124,000 prophets who came to the earth right from from the first prophet Adam(pbuh) to our last prophet  Muhammed(Pbuh) with the same goal of spreading Islam and to spread the message from Allah to the the people . Today we will be discussing about the first prophet Adam (pbuh).

              Adam(pbuh) and hawa(pbuh) were the people of jannah , Jannah life is the best life as said by Almighty in the holy quran , Now Allah's idea was to escalate the spiritual position od Prophet Adam (pbuh) which cant be done if he is in jannah , So Allah got an idea ... He ordered Prophet Adam to live Happily in jannah but dont eat a particular fruit from a tree ... Now shaytaan played a trick on prophet Adam(pbuh). Shaytaan said to prophet Adam "If you eat this particular fruit you will be in jannah forever " or else u wont be able to live here forever .So rest of the things are history , Prophet Adam ate the fruit and Allah sent them to the world .

Now here is what we have to observe .prophet Adam has never sinned , Allah says dont say that my prophet Adam has sinned(pbuh), he says its an Act of forgetfulness . For example if we fast and by mistake if we drink something will the Fast break ?? No because our intention was not to break the fast , Similarly Prophet Adam's intentions were pure , he never had an intention of disobeying Almighty Allah . As Allah says in quran "innamaal aamalu bin niyyaat" Your Actions are based on your Niyyah .So prophet Adam's act is said as forgetfulness by Allah .

Now After coming to the Dunya(world) prophet Adam had a guilt feeling that he has disobeyed his Lord but in reality he did not .So here what we have to understand is If  Allah wants our Spiritual level to increase he puts us in a form of contraction so that the person will pray , make dua often so that he comes out of that contraction (guilt feel) and the person reaches a higher level of spirituality ... Thats why Trials and Tribulations are often said as a Blessing in disguise ..So prophet Adam(pbuh) Attained a higher level of spirituality compared to his level in jannah ..Prophets are the people who are Tested the most by Almighty Allah

Prophet Adam(pbuh) was said to be Approximately 90 feet tall ,people of Adam's(pbuh) time were said to be of the same height ... 

Lets look at the photo which Approximately tells the height of the prophet Adam(pbuh)

And it has been said that people entering jannah will be of the prophet Adam'(sbuh) height ..

Here is the hadith

 Abu huraira narrated that prophet(sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said " Allah created Adam in his picture , sixty cubits in height. When he created him , he said to him ."go and greet that group of angels sitting there and listen what they will say in reply to you , for that will be greeting and the greeting of your offspring. Adam went and said "Assalamu alaikum(peace be upon you), They replied "As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah .so they increased 'Wa rahmatullah.'The prophet added, "So whoever will enter paradise , will be of the shape and picture of Adam .Since then the creation of Adam's (offspring)(i.e the stature of human beings is being diminished continuously) to the present time .

Foot mark of Adam(pbuh) in Srilanka