
Thursday 12 June 2014

History of the prophet Adam(PBUH)

In the name of Allah , The most beneficent and the most merciful .
There are Actually 124,000 prophets who came to the earth right from from the first prophet Adam(pbuh) to our last prophet  Muhammed(Pbuh) with the same goal of spreading Islam and to spread the message from Allah to the the people . Today we will be discussing about the first prophet Adam (pbuh).

              Adam(pbuh) and hawa(pbuh) were the people of jannah , Jannah life is the best life as said by Almighty in the holy quran , Now Allah's idea was to escalate the spiritual position od Prophet Adam (pbuh) which cant be done if he is in jannah , So Allah got an idea ... He ordered Prophet Adam to live Happily in jannah but dont eat a particular fruit from a tree ... Now shaytaan played a trick on prophet Adam(pbuh). Shaytaan said to prophet Adam "If you eat this particular fruit you will be in jannah forever " or else u wont be able to live here forever .So rest of the things are history , Prophet Adam ate the fruit and Allah sent them to the world .

Now here is what we have to observe .prophet Adam has never sinned , Allah says dont say that my prophet Adam has sinned(pbuh), he says its an Act of forgetfulness . For example if we fast and by mistake if we drink something will the Fast break ?? No because our intention was not to break the fast , Similarly Prophet Adam's intentions were pure , he never had an intention of disobeying Almighty Allah . As Allah says in quran "innamaal aamalu bin niyyaat" Your Actions are based on your Niyyah .So prophet Adam's act is said as forgetfulness by Allah .

Now After coming to the Dunya(world) prophet Adam had a guilt feeling that he has disobeyed his Lord but in reality he did not .So here what we have to understand is If  Allah wants our Spiritual level to increase he puts us in a form of contraction so that the person will pray , make dua often so that he comes out of that contraction (guilt feel) and the person reaches a higher level of spirituality ... Thats why Trials and Tribulations are often said as a Blessing in disguise ..So prophet Adam(pbuh) Attained a higher level of spirituality compared to his level in jannah ..Prophets are the people who are Tested the most by Almighty Allah

Prophet Adam(pbuh) was said to be Approximately 90 feet tall ,people of Adam's(pbuh) time were said to be of the same height ... 

Lets look at the photo which Approximately tells the height of the prophet Adam(pbuh)

And it has been said that people entering jannah will be of the prophet Adam'(sbuh) height ..

Here is the hadith

 Abu huraira narrated that prophet(sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said " Allah created Adam in his picture , sixty cubits in height. When he created him , he said to him ."go and greet that group of angels sitting there and listen what they will say in reply to you , for that will be greeting and the greeting of your offspring. Adam went and said "Assalamu alaikum(peace be upon you), They replied "As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah .so they increased 'Wa rahmatullah.'The prophet added, "So whoever will enter paradise , will be of the shape and picture of Adam .Since then the creation of Adam's (offspring)(i.e the stature of human beings is being diminished continuously) to the present time .

Foot mark of Adam(pbuh) in Srilanka

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